Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hi, I guess I'm sorry for not doing this in awhile, but if you've been waiting for me to do this, then you have no life. Seriously, you need to go turn off your computer and find something more productive. STOP READING THIS!!! Fine, do wait you please it's not like you're wasting my life, so go ahead waste away you life, I don't care. Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal, Ok, seriously if you get to the end, then you need some serious help, and I'm not lieing. Good job, you know have no life, need serious help, and you irritated me, well not really, but that's beside the point. The real point is that you have no life. P.S. If you're are reading this for the first time, haven't checked in awhile, then I'm sorry that you had to put up through that. Bye

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dull and Boring

Not much really happens to me right now. Last weekend I went down the river again just this time, we took a different trip. I thought it was long and boring. I invited my friend to go with me so I could have some fun during the time that I had to be there. Other than that nothing else happened. Bye !

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I Don't Know What To Call It

After I get back from the U.P., I had to go to my aunt's wedding, I went to see my friend, Darren, then I called Kim to see what she was up to. Turns out she was busy all week, and that she had to get ready for her horse show on Saturday. So I went over to visit her on her last day of the week that she'll be here. She had to leave today to get used to the horse and get him ready for the show. We didn't really do much considering that we won't see each other for awhile, but it was still fun. I wish I didn't leave so early, I probably would have stayed there all night if I could.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

B-DAY !!!

No it's not my B-day, it's my friend, Darren, B-day, and tommorrow I'm going to spend the night there. Just thought that you should know, if you care, Bye


This week is going to be a very long week. Monday we have to take my step dad to a dentist appointment which will take from 5 in the morning to 1 in the after noon. Tuesday there is another appointment, but I'm skipping that one. And Thursday I'm leaving to go to Greenland in the U.P. It's a really small town, and in the center of town is the bar. It's really weird. But I did have an ok weekend, so far. Bye.

Monday, June 25, 2007


This weekend was so fun. Friday I went to a pool party at Mark's parents, the Youth Group leaders, house and we ate hot dogs and chips. And afterwards I went to my cousins house and stayed the night. We had to get up early though for a practice. But later that day, I went down the river with my mom and step dad, and our friend Cindy. And Sunday I didn't do much except for hanging out with Kim. And for those of you that don't know that me and Kim and I are going out, now you do. That was a fun weekend.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The River !!!

It's about time I got to go down the river. Every year I go kayaking down the Manistee River. Last year we had already went down about a dozon time by now, but it's was so cold this year that today was the first time for this year. There are different lengths too. There is one that will take 5 hours, a 3-4 hr., and a 45 min. trip. With tubers, you add another hr. We took the 3-4 hr. trip, and we had my cousin in a tube, but she knows how to fast, so it only took 3 hrs. and 45 mins. It was really fun. That's all I have for now, Bye.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Oh Yeah

I forgot to mention that my friend, Alonna, might be sharing a Blog with me. She can't log in to hers, I figured we could share one till she gets her's fixed. Just thought you should know, if you care that is.


Well I talked to Alonna today and I forgot to tell her to fix her blog. I also forgot to tell her about my blog. But on a positive note, next Friday I get to go swimming. Last time I went swimming was at Battlecry, which was awesome!! I'm also starting a new Youth Group on Monday, and Sunday. Other than that, nothing really happened, so bye....I guess.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Two Random Topics

For some odd reason, I felt like making another Blog today. Today was pretty good. I had to mow some couples lawn because they live in Florida. No point to having a house in Michigan if you live in Florida, but then again I'm not crazy so it's not my problem. I can't get a hold of my friends. I'll try calling in the morning. I have Youth Group tommorrow. It's really fun, we play games, worship and praise, and then we leave. It's awesome. I will be switching from Friday Youth Group to Monday Youth Group, scary. A few of my friends will be switching too. I'm going to try to keep up with the blogging thing, but I'm know it's going to be hard, I forget a lot. Well that's all I guess, Bye.

The First Blog

I'm new at this so don't make fun of me! Ok, for those of you that don't know me, my life is full of luck and fun. I also have many friends. Some of them are, Darren, Ricky, Lois, and Alonna. Hopefully one of them is reading this now. Alonna is the one that showed me this, I just thought it would be boring. I never knew it was so hard to get this set up. If you have any suggestions, please send them to me.Oh and there is one more ting that you should know about me, I can't spell. Thanks For Reading, Bye!